Sunday, June 26, 2011


Um...I have no excuse for not posting. I fully except all the charges against me.

Tomorrow I leave for the Dominican Republic for 10 days! I will be staying at a YoungLife camp there called Pico Escondido which in Spanish means Hidden Peak; which is fittng seeing as it is on a mountain. I am going there with my church youth group. A lot of my friends are going as well so I am really excited to have this expirirence with them. The work that I will be doing is mainly going to be around the camp getting ready for when the Dominican kids come. For some this is the first time they will hear about Christ

What I am really the most nervous for is the homestay part of the trip. We will be split up into groups of 2 or 3 and we will spend 2 nights with a famliy of a Dominican Younglife camp leader. I have been told that some times it ends up that the only Christian in the family is the kid so I am a little worried as to what it will be like. I have three years of Spanish under my belt but I really have not used it that much.

One of the days we will be hiking to a waterfall that is behind the camp, and on the last full day in the DR we will head to a resort to relax. I am sooooo excited. I have very been out of the country( not inculding Canada). I hope to learn a lot and grow in my spiritual walk with God. I love you all and God Bless.

Friday, April 22, 2011


It's the end of April already. This week was holy week, and on Sunday is Easter; the day Jesus did the unthinkable and rose from the grave. I'm so proud of my religion.

At the moment, my sister is in Florence, Italy; on her last few days of spring break. Tomorrow I think she is going to Rome and will be there on Easter Sunday. Amazing huh? Easter Sunday at the Vadicant is probably unbelieveable. And along with that, all the students from York University have to meet up in London on the weekend of the royal wedding. ( I think I already said this in an earlier post, o well.) I'm deffinately starting to miss her. She gets back on June 1 which is coming up soon. It's hard to believe she's been gone sinch February.

Anyways, today we had school, which is not normal on Good Friday. But we had chapel and it was really meaningful. One of our chemistry teachers planned it all with the help from a few students. Each one of them wrote a card of one of their biggest regrets/insecurities/fears. We each got a card to do the same thing, and they are going to post them all on one big wall leading to where we have chapel. The point was to open up the school and allow us to share ourselves more. Imagine 900+ students' cards all hung on a wall sharing to the whole school insecurities or fears. It's going to look amazing!

Happ Easter everyone!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Titles are hard...

I couldn't come up with a title :(  Sorry I haven't posted in a while, its been a little busy. Junior year is more difficult than what I thought it would be. It deffinately challenges me. I just got my first ACT score back and it wasnt't what I wanted. I am disapointed  with myself. I know that I am not good in school so that really bummed me out. I want to do a lot better so hopefully I will be able to take it at least once more and maybe twice.

On a happier note, my school's Fine Arts week is coming up, which means I get to enter some of my poetry into a contest where judges pick out spectial pieces to be published in a book full of all types of writing ( poems, short stories, multi-genre stories ect.). I need to write a few more to enter but I always like to see how my poems turn out. I had three of my poems in the book last year. I'm really proud of my work. It's always been something I like to do for fun.

Well thats really all I have to say other than I think that spring is finally coming to Michigan. Lets hope it stays for a while :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Above the Influence

Today in my Sociology class we had a lady from the Kent County Prevention Coalition and Network 180 come in and talk to us about teens and the influences around us. I really liked what she talked about and thought it was very applicable to our lives in high school. She is also a part of Above the Influence. Ya'know the cool commericals and logo(the circle with the arrow pointing up). At the end of our talk we got to be a part of movie that will come out in March. We each got a piece of paper that said " I am...with the logo arrow which stood for "above"... "I am above" and we each thought of a word or words that were personal to us. My sign was "I am above popularity." Then we each got our picture taken with our signs. My two friends and I taped ours to our backs and took the picture because it was symbolizing not needing to be known or people needing to see our faces.  I thought it was really special becasue if you think about it, one teen could see the pictures and tell others and it could get around really fast. Thats my blabber about my fun class today. Also Michigan is recieving the blizzard that has gone through Illinois and other states. It's crazy cold and super windy, which makes for the snow to blow EVERYWHERE!

Friday, January 21, 2011

January is over!

Wow! January has gone by so fast! I just finished my first half of Junior year today. Exams are done, the new classes begin on Monday. This weekend will be school free!

The only other big thing that's left in January is sending my sister off to England. Yup, you heard me England. She is headed there with a group from Calvin for the semester. They leave on the 26th. She will be gone for 3 months :(  I'm really going to miss her, but I know she'll be fine. At least they speak English, right?

Refering back to my old post about not having snow on the ground for Christmas, there is snow! And along witht the snow, the brutally cold weather. But what can I say, it's Michigan! Today the sun is actually out, which was a nice change.

I'll leave you with the lyrics to the chorus of  "The Words I Would Say" by Sidewalk Prophets:
Be strong in the Lord and,
Never give up hope,
You're going to do great things,
I already know,
God's got His hand on you so,
Don't live life in fear,
Forgive and forget,
But don't forget why you're here,
Take your time and pray,
These are the words I would say,