Saturday, May 10, 2014

Solemn Listening

"When people talk, listen completely. Most people don't listen." ~Ernest Hemingway

It's been a weird couple of days. I'm not sure if solemn is the right word for what I am feeling but it will do.

I have done a lot of listening this week that has put a lot on my mind.

This might be TMI but just now I got out of the shower, got a towel, stared at myself in the mirror and just listened. I had music going, but I couldn't tell you what song it was. I was listening but I wasn't there in my head. I just listened?

Tomorrow is Mother's Day. A happy day for most. See how I said most? Not all.
Today has been rough for one of my close friends and soon to be housemates. Today has been rough for my suite mate. Today has been rough for many of my other acquaintances.
They don't have this happiness in their hearts. They are just solemn.

They are mourning. I could never imagine that. And so I listen.