Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Above the Influence

Today in my Sociology class we had a lady from the Kent County Prevention Coalition and Network 180 come in and talk to us about teens and the influences around us. I really liked what she talked about and thought it was very applicable to our lives in high school. She is also a part of Above the Influence. Ya'know the cool commericals and logo(the circle with the arrow pointing up). At the end of our talk we got to be a part of movie that will come out in March. We each got a piece of paper that said " I am...with the logo arrow which stood for "above"... "I am above" and we each thought of a word or words that were personal to us. My sign was "I am above popularity." Then we each got our picture taken with our signs. My two friends and I taped ours to our backs and took the picture because it was symbolizing not needing to be known or people needing to see our faces.  I thought it was really special becasue if you think about it, one teen could see the pictures and tell others and it could get around really fast. Thats my blabber about my fun class today. Also Michigan is recieving the blizzard that has gone through Illinois and other states. It's crazy cold and super windy, which makes for the snow to blow EVERYWHERE!