Friday, April 22, 2011


It's the end of April already. This week was holy week, and on Sunday is Easter; the day Jesus did the unthinkable and rose from the grave. I'm so proud of my religion.

At the moment, my sister is in Florence, Italy; on her last few days of spring break. Tomorrow I think she is going to Rome and will be there on Easter Sunday. Amazing huh? Easter Sunday at the Vadicant is probably unbelieveable. And along with that, all the students from York University have to meet up in London on the weekend of the royal wedding. ( I think I already said this in an earlier post, o well.) I'm deffinately starting to miss her. She gets back on June 1 which is coming up soon. It's hard to believe she's been gone sinch February.

Anyways, today we had school, which is not normal on Good Friday. But we had chapel and it was really meaningful. One of our chemistry teachers planned it all with the help from a few students. Each one of them wrote a card of one of their biggest regrets/insecurities/fears. We each got a card to do the same thing, and they are going to post them all on one big wall leading to where we have chapel. The point was to open up the school and allow us to share ourselves more. Imagine 900+ students' cards all hung on a wall sharing to the whole school insecurities or fears. It's going to look amazing!

Happ Easter everyone!