Monday, September 2, 2013

Back At It

So I am back at college and nothing prepared me for what was to come. I knew when I moved back in everything was going to be different but even the presence of being here is different. The people are different, I am not the youngest anymore. Dorm stuff starts today with awkward mixers and classes start tomorrow along with the awkward introductions. I think I am ready for the challenges of school but maybe not for the relationships. On the outside I want to branch out; the girls on my floor are amazing as well as my new RA Rachel. But on the inside, I am still the scared little freshman I was last year. I know more people this year and its nice to know where I am going instead of everything being a maze. Work starts next week but I think it will be a nice break from school because it helps me clear my head. My weeks will be full no doubt, but my heart is not. Something is missing and from what I can tell.... Well I can't tell. There is something that I don't realize is important or has to come first in my life. I am waiting to hear, see or experience what is in store for me. In the meantime, I am here. I am safe. I am present.