Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Other People

Sometimes I really don’t understand other people’s thinking. That’s a blanket statement but I just want to get it off my chest. It’s also a very superficial statement. I don’t want to hate on anyone but there are times where I have something to say so I am going to say it.

I don’t understand why people think the way they do. I think that is sometime that God created for a reason. We aren’t supposed to understand. He is the only one that really knows what people are thinking. Heck, he is the only one that knows what I really think without me understanding what I think. What?

I was listening to a friend today talk about another friend and what was going on with her as this new school year starts. Its hard to really listen to someone’s opinion without already having judged the situation and think about what you would do. Did that make sense? Probably not, but I guess this is for me.

I guess what I am saying is that without judging first a situation in which someone is making a decision that you wouldn’t, take time to learn about everyone else in the situation besides you and understand that you are not them. You are not them. YOU are not THEM.

(Sorry for the “blotchiness” of this post. As well as the rate type nature)

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

End of an Era

No, it’s not that I used up all my Era laundry detergent. It’s just that I moved out.

20 Years. 20 YEARS I have lived in the same house. We moved there when I was 3 months old so I don’t’ count that. I have never moved I have never really lived on my own. (Besides living in the dorms with 40 other girls and a Resident Director). This is the real deal. Paying bills, real deal. And I am nervous.

Of course I don’t show that I am nervous. What good would that do me? Move out and realize that I can’t do it. 

The house is great. It’s great except that it was supposed to be cleaned by the last tenants but apparently they have way different standards than I do, or of any for that matter. Let’s just say that that every time I walk across the floor my feet still get dirty. 

So tonight is the first night. And I want to go to bed but there is a cute boy in the house finishing cleaning the carpets. And it is loud. So I am writing this blog to make it seem like I am really invested in something, so that it is not awkward. But it seems to be making it more awkward.

No Internet. No people. No sound. Everything else. One week. Here goes nothing.